Dr. Kevin M. Antshel is a professor in the Department of Psychology, and is the primary investigator of the ALTER Lab. Dr. Antshel is also the director of the Clinical Training in the Clinical Psychology graduate program and the Syracuse University ADHD Clinic. His primary interests are the heterogeneity of ADHD and mediators and moderators of treatment outcomes.

Lea is a fourth year doctoral student in the ALTER Lab. Her primary research interests focus on identifying and understanding sociocultural barriers and facilitators to evidence-based treatment for ADHD. She recently defended her empirical Master’s Thesis entitled Factors Associated with Parental Treatment Attitudes and Information-Seeking Behaviors for Childhood ADHD. In the ALTER Lab, she provides professional and clinical supervision to undergraduate and junior doctoral students. Outside the lab, Lea enjoys hiking in the Adirondack Mountains, participating in social justice initiatives including addressing systematic disadvantage and increasing racial and ethnic diversity in higher education, and meeting new cats.

Avery is a third year doctoral student in the ALTER Lab. Avery’s primary research interests are focused on the self-perceptions of youth with ADHD and understanding the implications self-perceptions have for various developmental outcomes. Avery is currently collecting data for her Master’s Thesis examining the relationship between positive illusory bias (PIB) and perceptions of stigma among children with ADHD. In her free time, Avery enjoys discovering waterfalls in Upstate New York, advocating for inclusive educational and extracurricular environments for individuals with special needs, and increasing support in education for populations experiencing systematic disadvantage.

Jessica is a third year doctoral student in the ALTER Lab. Her research interests include peer relationships and social functioning of children with ADHD. Jessica is currently working on her qualifying exam focusing on the relationship between ADHD, bullying, and depression. In her spare time, Jessica enjoys traveling, hiking, and advocating for the safety and rights of all children regardless of ability or identity.

David is a junior from California, double majoring in psychology and neuroscience. After graduation, he plans to attend graduate school in order to pursue a career in psychology. In addition to being a research assistant, David also works as a tutor for the Literacy Corps program and volunteers at Crouse Hospital. When David has some spare time, he enjoys animating, video editing, and programming.

Rachel is a junior psychology major from the San Francisco Bay Area. She is especially interested in abnormal and developmental Psychology, and hopes to expand these interests through her work in the ALTER Lab. When she’s not in the lab, you can find her running or petting someone else’s dog.

Kiara Rice is a sophomore psychology major from Brooklyn, New York. She is interested in researching the development of speech, especially in children, and how certain conditions influence speech. Outside of school, she enjoys musical theater, playing guitar, and writing short stories.

Alex is a junior psychology and neuroscience major and biology minor from Greene, NY. After graduation, she plans on attending medical school to become a child psychiatrist.